
The Cove is a social enterprise venture in Chitende, Malawi. Our mission is to utilize money from tourism revenue to support community-driven development projects. We believe in fostering sustainable solutions through building relationships, working and learning together, and valuing our interactions with each other and the environment.

Want to know more?!

Check out this 3 short video we used for our 2020 crowdfunding campaign. Learn how The Cove is incorporating natural building, community & tourism to address local environmental and social challenges.
Though this campaign ended in 2020, contributions can still be made through the link below:

The Eco-Lodge

Located in a hidden cove in northern Malawi lies the sleepy fishing village of Chitende, the home of The Cove Eco-Lodge. Our building practices are centered on giving new life to otherwise wasted resources, like plastics, rice husks, etc. This methodology creates new economic opportunity in the community through job creation and product ideation.

Due to the remote location of our venture, building the lodge also brings the opportunity to greatly improve local access to power and water infrastructure. Currently the community has no access to improved water or electricity.

Being fully integrated in the community allows us to partner with and support local community members who are already engaged in development projects. The lodge is currently under construction, but our social projects have already begun!

The Collective

The Cove’s mission is to utilize money from tourism to support community development projects. Since the lodge is still under construction and won’t open for some time, we formed a nonprofit to start immediate work in the community! The Cove Collective will be able to get a jump-start on projects before the lodge opens, as well as tackle some of the other large-scale infrastructure projects the community is currently working on.

We are currently seeking donations to support our Primary School Project and our Road Construction Project. We’d love to be able to make a drastic infrastructure improvement before the rainy season starts in late December!